select b.*, (select filename from dosya where ana_dosya='1' and book_id=b.book_id) as kapak, (select name_az from class where class_id=b.class_id) as class_name from book b where b.book_id='299'
Tarih : 2024-04-24 18:57:27 Script Name : MySQL Error : Unknown table engine 'InnoDB' MySQL Error No : 1286select b.*, (select filename from dosya where ana_dosya='1' and book_id=b.book_id) as kapak, (select name_az from class where class_id=b.class_id) as class_name from book b where b.book_id='299'
Tarih : 2024-04-24 18:57:27 Script Name : MySQL Error : Unknown table engine 'InnoDB' MySQL Error No : 1286